Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Listing every academic in the world!

Recently read about Academia.edu, which, according to Dr. Richard Price, does two things:

- It shows academics around the world structured in a 'tree' format, displayed according to their departmental and institutional affiliations.

- It enables academics to see news on the latest research in their area - the latest people, papers and talks.

They are hoping that Academia.edu will eventually list every academic in the world -- Faculty Members, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, and Independent Researchers. Academics can add their departments, and themselves, to the tree by clicking on the boxes.

One of the interesting things about the site is just how simple and intuitive the interface is. Much we could learn from it. The Harvey Mudd entry is at:


1 comment:

James Brown said...

I was particularly fond of its "simple and intuitive interface". You know, the giant Glash app that ran like a dog on my high-end system and ate a few hundred megabytes of RAM.

Please don't learn too much as it is -- the Mudd website is unintuitive and hard to use at times, but at least it renders...
